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One of the biggest advantages of vacation rentals is the opportunity they provide for the owner / manager to be creative with interior design! Unlike chain hotels, which are generally quite rigid with their design and tastes, vacation rentals come in all shapes and styles.

The interior design of your holiday apartment does not go unnoticed. According to research conducted by Google, almost 60% of travelers return from their holidays very interested in decorating the apartments they stayed in, and in fact, some are inspired to take some ideas on how to decorate their own homes. Studies also show that interior design can also influence mood, and it´s important to set the right tone for guests. According to a research, more than two thirds (70%) of the guests choose a holiday rental property because their interior design is different from their own home! This means that with the design you have a great opportunity to captivate the guests.

We have spoken with Maria Tutusaus, an expert decorator and currently the decorator of the BCN Apartment Rentals, who has told us about her rules and tricks of a well decorated apartment.

Q: How do you get each apartment to be unique?
A: We do not make a single apartment because in reality each apartment is unique on its own. We only hear it, we feel it. Everyone has their space, their time, their light, their own life, inspires us more than anyone! That is why we flee from the decorative tendencies and listen to the soul of the space that asks us for a new life to be able to give it to its inhabitants for the time they occupy it. Our greatest achievement is that customers feel wrapped in the beauty, kindness, charm and glamor of the apartment. For that reason we look for decorative elements that we love, so we can make them part of the life of the apartment and of those who stay in it !!!

Q: What is the most important when decorating an apartment? Do you usually use local details for your destination?
A: Our initial purpose when we consider the decoration of an apartment is that the decoration is integrated with its surroundings. We try that the rooms transmit by themselves, that talk about the place and its history, so we get our guests feel the charm of the decoration that will wrap them during your stay, we make sure that any beautiful detail finds the corner that is waiting for you in our apartment!

Q: What do you think about the use of local art in decoration, something that describes the city or the destination well?
A: Barcelona is our city, our history and our house, we love it and we value it for everything it offers, there is no doubt that at the moment of choosing the decoration we add furniture, decorative elements, lighting and fabrics that unite beauty of our city with local art to integrate them into the life of the apartment.

Q: What colors do you like to use? What do you think about the color details like cushions, mirrors and other accessories?
A: We flee from the fears that color entails, a room does not have to be white, but it has to adapt to the architecture that surrounds it and above all it has to transmit sensations. Quality and elegance are also found in the colors, and the secret lies in coordinating them and making them fit with the walls in their broadest sense.

Q: What do you think about organic products, usually used in decoration?
A: Always. And not just because it is fashionable but because the common sense, the beauty and even the comfort of the guest demands it. A high ceiling with moldings of more than a century of life asks us if we only restore that old lamp forgotten in the attic. It is beautiful and sensible to make them that way and brings to the room the glamor, the history and the elegance that it requires.

Q: Classic or modern? What do you prefer?
A: We mix the classic and the modern to give a new life to the rooms. As I said, we love our city, its life, its harmony and its beauty. She inspires us to share styles and spaces and turn them into unforgettable stays. It is the classic and the modern, it is the mixture between them and between the beautiful and the useful, the white and the color, which creates the perfect harmony that the space we decorate asks of us.